Tom Gimlette
Stock Footage & Video Researcher
Also available as a:
Director's Assistant
Image Researcher
Treatment Designer
Treatment Writer
Tom is a creative researcher, treatment designer and mood film creator. He served as a director's assistant to Chris Palmer at Gorgeous before going freelance a year ago. Tom has a strong eye and a deep knowledge of film and photo and is skilled with Adobe Suite, especially Indesign and Premiere Pro. Tom has worked mainly in commercials but also for film and TV, and likes to combine still and moving image to communicate a strong visual narrative.
Selected credits
TV Commercials / Branded Content
Prod Co / Agency | Brand / Title | Type | Director | Producer | Role | Vimeo / Youtube Link |
- Bristol University English and Drama 2.1
- Berlin Met 6 Month Filmmaking Course
Genres Worked in
- Cars
- sports
- family
- action
- history
- thriller
- sci-fi
Technical Skills
- Premier Pro - Advanced
- After Effects - Basic
- Photoshop - Intermediate
- InDesign - Advanced
- Microsoft Excel - Basic Lightroom - Basic Illustrator - Basic